The core curriculum in education at B.Ed. level encompasses philosophical, psychological, sociological and political aspects which form the foundation for developing the mental-set with regard to pedagogy. Its relevance in teacher education is kept in mind.Traditional philosophies of the West coupled with educational thoughts of Indian thinkers form an integral part of core curriculum. From sociological perspective, teacher trainees are acquainted with the nature of society and its changing structure.
In psychology of teaching & learning, development of the learner, learning, motivation, intelligence, personality and exceptional children form part of the core curriculum. Psychological tests and case studies provide a practical basis to the study of psychology of teaching & learning.
Student teachers are exposed to the parameters of Indian system of education, its structure, problems at different levels of education and school management.
Elective/Optional Areas of Curriculum.
Emerging areas like Yoga Education, Education of Exceptional Children, Environmental Education, Educational Technology and Computer Education form a part of curriculum as optional subjects. Some very recent issues like AIDS, Sex Education and Human Rights Education are also covered under curricular programmes.Most significant feature of core-curriculum is pedagogical skill development. 20% weightage is given to skill development in each theory paper. In this manner a balance is struck between theory & practice.
Understanding of essential elements of teaching-learning process which is a major component of teacher education curriculum includes principles and maxims of teaching, audio visual aids, approaches and techniques of teaching, micro-teaching, mega teaching and real teaching on the job.
Each student teacher opts for two school teaching subjects in which he/she wishes to specialize. There are a wide variety of subjects which are offered for specialization. They include Languages – English & Hindi, Mathematics, Home Science, Commerce, Music, Economics, Social Studies, Life Science and Physical Science.